Sunday, September 30, 2012

Moving Along...

so i just shared my link on facebook so finally i guess i'm ready to share this blog. :) remember this is very new to me so it is by no means perfect! if you blog, like my good friend alessia albanese then please share this blog with all the great teachers we follow and maybe i can get motivated to step it up a notch and starting posting lots of pics on my blog.
i am very sad that my student teacher, miss heather price, is finishing up this week with me. She will be observing other classes tomorrow and Tuesday, meeting her cooperating teacher and students that she will spend the next 7 weeks with at Hollow Rock-Bruceton School in 3rd grade on Wednesday, be in a college seminar on Thursday and then return to us on Friday for our field trip to the cotton gin. She started out the year with me so I am going to miss her so much. I can't tell you how wonderful it is to have another adult in the class with an extra set of hands.well,if you are a teacher you TOTALLY UNDERSTAND how great it is to have another set of hands.:)she has been such a big help in getting my learning centers up and running,getting some organizational things done and in co-teaching the class.there was no way that i could just completely turn everything over to her in regards to teaching. implementing all the new common core standards is overwhelming and we had to do it together. i am excited that she is getting to see common core as it takes off.i hope she is gaining a lot of new ideas to take with her as she begins her teaching career!
so tomorrow my sweeties are all mine! i am seriously thinking about trying to find a volunteer in our community who would come in the afternoons a few times a week and help out. maybe an older lady in the community who is retired and would love to have something to do for a couple hours a day.this way i could get in some quality tier 2 time while she works with the other students and help me with our writing block. i will keep you posted if i find someone.:)
my three K kiddos are all doing well. the school year is moving along and for the first 6 weeks and first report cards-they all did GREAT! i know we have been so blessed that our children do well in school.marty is doing well-my husband :)-and has enjoyed having some time off from classes for his masters. he will start back the end of october and finish may 2013. fall break begins this coming friday for our school and let's just say that this time next week this family of towaters will have their toes in the water. :) we didn't get to take a family vacay this past summer because we all had trips of our own-kirk to europe,kara to guatemala,church camps, fbla nationals,me to vegas, marty working on masters and guard camp so this is our 2012 family vacay.
hope everyone is doing well and i hope that you enjoy my posts! i would love to hear from you and spread the word that I am blogging! i know-i can't believe it myself. have a blessed Sunday and a blessed week!

Monday, September 17, 2012

i just put up my profile pic with Dr. Jean-she is my teacher idol!i just love her-everything about her thoughts on teaching!!!this was this summer in Atlanta for her 2-day conference. it made my 3rd time attending one of her conferences through sde.
alright allesia-i still don't see the followers tab on the left side but i'm posting link to your blog because you're one of my favorite people,teachers, and new friend from this summer! :)
baby steps for me.:)

Sunday, September 16, 2012

You have to visit this blog and donate for this awesome cause! anything we can do to help this young mother battling cancer and her family.
visit and donate to help! plus get lots of freebies!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Kindergarten Common Core:Here's my 2nd attempt at blogging. I found this giveaway and it looks awesome!we are very busy working with common core standards in kindergarten. i am constantly looking for worksheets, activities,games,assessments,anything related to common core.i want this workbook because it is getting rave reviews.i'm anxious to get it to implement more strategies in teaching common core.

Go to this website to claim your free common core state standards workbook also!
Hope you are all having an awesome kindergarten year!