My family enjoyed a blessed Christmas time. We were all well and that in itself is a gift. Kirk has been home from college and spent a lot of time working at Imart. He will be moving in next week to the Lambuth campus of UofMemphis. Kara has been busy learning how to operate her sewing embroidery machine that she got for Christmas and getting in some extra time babysitting. Kali has just enjoyed being off of school!
Marty and I celebrated 20 years of marriage Dec.18. We will try to go out and celebrate when it gets a little warmer. Too cold to get out in this kind of weather.
We got to keep our sweeties Eliajh and Annalesa for several days and nights last week while their mom and dad went with our high school band to the chick fil a bowl in Atlanta. There is absolutely nothing that compares to having little ones around. :) they are so funny with their cute expressions and sayings plus I love to rock them and snuggle with them. Yes they are spoiled when they are with us but that's the way it should be!
I have enjoyed my break. I did very little regarding school and I mean very little. I took advantage of the break and used it. Other than running to school the Monday before Christmas to grab all the stuff that I literally walked off and left on our last day that Thursday and make sure I had everything ready for this week (which will have to be revamped anyway due to extra days out), cutting out some laminating that has been in my pantry for awhile, reading a few blogs, doing a little tpt browsing and that's it. That's all I did related to school and you know what I'm ok with that. I am prepared for when I go back and I wanted time with MY FAMILY AND MY CHILDREN.
I am not setting resolutions. Instead I'm going to use a church's sign that I saw and really liked as my motto-"Daily devotion is better than yearly resolution." I am daily devoting some time to bible study everyday. I have done fairly well with this these past few years so hoping to make it my best year yet when it comes to that. I am convinced if I do this then I can tackle whatever comes my way with a good perspective, attitude and smile.:)
Happy New Year to all! Many blessings to you and yours and yes I will be happy to see my sweeties on Wednesday!:)

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