Marty and Kirk are in Jamaica on a mission trip with our church. We have been able to Facebook just a little. They are spending a lot of time working at an orphanage and playing with the children. This was Marty's first time to go on a mission trip and I've lost count of how many Kirk has been on. Kara was sad she didn't go this year but June was a very busy month for her and she had several trips then.
I spent most of this week staying busy so I wouldn't dwell on the thoughts of not being at I TEACH K!!! It was the first summer since 2011 that I had not been. I enjoyed the pics though that everyone posted on Facebook so I felt like I was still a part of it.:)
Kali leaves for church camp tomorrow until Saturday. She is excited to get there!!! The boys won't be home until late Wednesday night so Kara and I will have a little time alone. I go back for more tests since week. The last tests still did not show why or where I am losing blood so this week I will have some more and hope to get some answers.
Just a few more weeks until school starts so we are enjoying every moment of summer break until then!!!!

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