Monday, November 12, 2012

I can not believe that we only have 6 more days of school until Thanksgiving break-crazy!!! This first semester of school is flying by. I know every year goes fast but this year seems SUPER FAST! Could it be implementing the new common core standards? Don't get me wrong I really like the common core standards it justs seems that we are so extremely busy during the day trying to implement all the standards that the day is over before we turn around. :)
We have had a lot of fun with our learning centers this past 6 weeks. I started using Alessia Albanese's from Write the Room and Pocket Chart Activities. They are great and really keep the students engaged. I also really like her hidden sight word activity sheets and playdough mats. Be sure and check her out on her blog and her products at tpt. Of course, I still use many of Kim Adsit great products for centers and also Deanna Jump's products  
All of these gals are super and I love them and their ideas. There are many others I use and I will throw their names out on another blog.
I will be preparing a Thanksgiving meal for my class next Tuesday. I'm even bringing out my fine china for it. :) I will make the turkey and dressing. My mom is making her delicious rolls and my sister in law does the country style yummy green beans. One of my students' grandmother is making creamed potatoes, another grandma is making dessert and another gmom is making baby carrots. We may add a few more items to the menu as the date gets closer. I really enjoy this day because many of the students do not have a traditional style Thanksgiving meal with family and it is just another day for them. I want them to have the experience of seeing the turkey before it is carved and enjoying a traditional feast!
This week and next we are talking alot about Thanksgiving and our family traditions and of course what we are thankful for. 
I have many things to be thankful for-my faith in Jesus Christ, my family, my friends, my health, my students, and of course all of you my dear teacher friends. Even if I have never met you, I feel like we share a common bond-our love for children and their learning.
I hope all of you have a blessed Thanksgiving surrounded by your families and friends! Leigh Ann :)

1 comment:

  1. Happy Thanksgiving to you, Leigh Ann! Thanks for the shout out! I'm so glad you started your blog!

    Ѽ Alessia
    Mrs. Albanese’s Kindergarten Class
