Kids say the funniest things and I wish I had recorded all the funny things I have heard over the years. Last week I had to wash those grays right out of my hair. The next day at school one of my students from this past school year saw me in the hall and said " I like your hair Miss Leigh Ann. You got it polished." Loved that!!! Elijah, my cousin's little boy who is almost 2 years old and his little baby sissy stayed with us last night. Elijah noticed my tattoo on my ankle. (Yes I have a tattoo-it's the Greek letters from my college sorority Phi Mu.) I was young and adventurous at one time! :) Elijah asked me if my tattoo was a boo boo! Too funny!!!
So we got Kirk moved into University of Memphis on Thursday. I didn't cry. I guess I could have but he has waited for this moment for so long and worked so hard academically for it that I wanted to reassure him that as long as he was happy then I was happy too. It was a different kind of feeling driving back to Huntingdon with Marty and leaving him there but at the same time it was more of just that wondering of where the time went and also excitement for him in this next phase in his life. Classes start for him tomorrow so that should help get him on a schedule. From the pics he has put on Facebook, he seems to be enjoying meeting and making lots of new friends! He will come home this weekend for Labor Day since he won't have classes on Monday. Praying he continues to enjoy college!
Wishing you all a great week!!!

You are the nicest person in the world. I enjoyed this post and wish we lived closer.
Fran, I feel the same way about you!!! I was telling my mom yesterday that I was so thankful that I have been able to attend SDE conferences and meet such wonderful teachers like you and so many others that inspire me and give me so many ideas to pull from my hat!!! Hope you are having a great school year or if you haven't started that it will be a great year!!!