My brother in law was licensed as a Baptist preacher this morning and we were blessed that all of my husbands side of the family was able to be in attendance along with my brother in law's family. Blessed to have such a wonderful family!!!
Kali's friend Faith and her family made their move to Wisconsin this week. We have shed lots and lots of tears and miss them terribly.:( praying that the girls stay close and get to visit soon...
A quick story to share that explains the title. One day this week something funny had happened and the kids just went on and on laughing about it. I finally said "ok that's enough it's time to get quiet". A little girl asked "why Miss Leigh Ann we're just laughing?" I honestly didn't have an answer for her but the truth is that I get so caught up sometimes in the stuff that I have to do that I forget that it's ok to take the time to stop and laugh. Thank you Lord for children who can put things in perspective when adults sometimes lose sight.:)

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