Friday, November 23, 2012

So Much To Be Thankful For...

I hope everyone enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving with their family and friends! We gathered last night-my mom's family (Wards). There were 43 of us there. :) So much food and lots of fun. We have lots of kiddos who we enjoy watching grow up and some babies on the way for 2013! not me though-haha! 3 is enough and I am very thankful to have them!
The person I was most happy to see last night was my cousin Lesa Ward. She is battling brain cancer and presently taking chemo at Vanderbilt. In fact, they are on their way back this morning as we speak for another treatment. She is very upbeat and looks GREAT! so happy and blessed that she has not experienced any severe side effects from chemo up til this point. please pray for her and that her cancer will be stalled enough that she can continue to enjoy more time with her husband,children, grandchild  and soon to be granddaughter. God hears our prayers-ALWAYS!
Kirk got out last night and took advantage of a few deals at WalMart-well, he took care of his Christmas gifts from us. Since he's heading out to college next fall, he got a new tv and a blu-ray player. Kara went with a friend and her aunt (Tasha-another teacher friend) to Walmart and since she spent the night with them I'm not sure if she came back with any purchases. :) Kali of course reminded me that she never got to do anything and Kirk and Kara always do so she and I rode past WalMart a few times to see how crowded it was and chuckle at all the cars-WalMart is down the road from our house so we didn't have to drive far to see the excitement! We came back home and Kali started putting up our Christmas tree. The tree is up, lights our on it, and she is working on the ornaments.
Now, to a little school news-our Thanksgiving feast went off without a hitch! The kids (and adults) all enjoyed it and all the food was delish! I got my Write The Room activities up for the next 3 weeks before Christmas break and I will wait and put up Christmas tree in classroom sometime next week. Kali has asked her elf on the shelf to ask Santa to bring a girl elf on the shelf for my classroom! Now, that would be fun wouldn't it?!
To all of you I am thankful for your friendship and I am especially thankful for all my teacher blog friends. You inspire me with your dedication and your blogs! Enjoy the remainder of your Thanksgiving vacation with your family and get rested up for a fast and busy December at school! Love to all, Leigh Ann
P.S. I am presently working on the design for my blog so it will probably look different everytime you see it for the next few weeks. :)


  1. Welcome to the blogging world!! I started my blog in mid April. I enjoy reading blogs and learning from others. I look forward to following your blog:)
    Connie Anderson:)

  2. thank you so much!looking forward to meeting even more friends through blogging!
