Tuesday, February 12, 2013


So I was thinking - uh oh have I gotten myself into another thing that I have to add to my to do list by starting a blog....Well, I think it's all in the way you look at it. If we start comparing ourselves to other teachers out there or comparing ourselves to anyone then we are setting ourself up for failure. God made us all with a special plan in mind and as long as we utilize the gifts he gave us we should never be concerned with wanting to be like anyone else. He loves us and he knows us and our strengths. We should be blogging because of the connections and resources it provides us with in the teaching world not because we want to be like someone or feel that we are competing with others to be the best blog out there. I know some bloggers have posted some personal struggles with this issue and let me assure you that the bloggers who have posted those concerns are AWESOME bloggers and teachers and they have great ideas! Just my thoughts on that...

My idea for today would be to use HeidiSongs in the classroom. Visit her link here www.heidisongs.com
I use her dvd's everyday and we LOVE them!

It is a busy week for us on the homefront. I had to take Kirk to Nashville on Sunday for an FBLA meeting. He is coming home this afternoon-Marty will go and pick him up. The seniors' Great Pretenders performances are this Fri. and Sat. night. This is the biggest fundraiser for Project Graduation. It is going really well and should be a very entertaining and fun show! Practices are every night this week-LATE NIGHTS!!! Kara is busy as usual with school, babysitting, and school activities. Kali is of course staying busy with homework, playing at home when we are there and tagging along to Great Pretenders' practices.

Our class will celebrate Valentines with a party on Thursday afternoon. We will begin mailing our Valentine cards to our friends this afternoon. What fun! I am thankful that our school still allows us to have parties for all the big holidays. I know of some schools that do not.

Have a great day and a very Happy Valentine's Day!!!
Leigh Ann


  1. I am so glad you got into blogging - your blog design is adorable and I love staying connected to you! Happy Valentine's Day to you, too!

    Ѽ Alessia
    Mrs. Albanese’s Kindergarten Class

  2. We use Heidi Songs too! My kiddos love them! They always surprise me with the words they know how to spell! Love it! I am your newest follower!

    Kimberly Ann
    Live, Laugh, I love Kindergarten
