Kirk has enjoyed a summer off from college courses-first summer taking a break from school work. He has stayed busy working and traveling. He will complete his undergraduate degree in 2017. We are proud of his
perseverance and that he can see the light at the end of the tunnel!
Kara completed her first year at APSU and absolutely LOVED IT! She is very involved with the campus BCM-Baptist Collegiate Ministry-which she took several mission trips with during her school breaks and landed her with a summer mission project at GIVE KIDS THE WORLD in Orlando. She left May 25 and will be home May 6. To say we are ready to see her is an understatement! She will be home a week and then we will move her back to APSU to start her sophomore year!
Kali will start the 8th grade this year. She enjoyed a week at the beach with First Baptist Church where she made a public profession of her faith in Jesus Christ! Thank you Lord! She was baptized as an infant and went through confirmation at our home church and we are thankful that she accepted and acknowledged her salvation through Jesus on her on. This week she is at Lakeshore for Jr. High camp.I will pick her up Saturday morning. I have not seen her since July 17 when I left for Las Vegas for the I Teach K! National Conference. :)
I flew out that Sunday to attend the conference Monday-Thursday. It was great to see all my teacher friends from all over the country and Canada that I have met through SDE conferences throughout the years. We laughed until we cried and had a great time visiting with each other. The presentations I attended were all GREAT as always! To see pictures from the conference, check them out on my facebook page. :)
Kirk flew out to Vegas that Tuesday night and Marty began driving out on Sat., July 16-the day before I flew out. :) Marty arrived on Wednesday. He and Kirk enjoyed sightseeing and going to see Hoover Dam and Death Valley while I attended classes that Wednesday and Thursday. On Thursday evening, we attended The Beatles themed Cirque Du Soleil-phenomenal! On Friday morning, we left Vegas and went to the northern rim of the Grand Canyon. I have always wanted to see the Grand Canyon and I was not disappointed! It was breath taking and pictures don't capture its beauty! We stayed at Kanab, Utah at an airbnb which we used throughout our travels home and Marty had used on drive out to Vegas. Saturday we drove through Monument Valley (this was as breath taking as the Grand Canyon in my opinion) and visited the 4 corners monument in Utah. We spent that night in Jemiz Springs, New Mexico. On Sunday we traveled Route 66 and stopped at Cadillac Ranch, Bug Ranch (that Marty found on google) and the Big Texan restaurant. We spent that night in Shamrock, Texas. Monday morning we traveled to the Oklahoma City Memorial which was the most emotional and touching part of our travels. We spent Monday night in Poteau, Oklahoma and on Tuesday finished the drive back home.
Wednesday morning inservice started for back to school so it's back to another school year. :) I have 16 students on my class list and I'm ready to get the year started. My room is almost ready.... Open House is Monday night and students start Thursday. :)
Prayers that you and yours are well if you are reading this. On a teaching note, I am blessed to be friends with the best of the best teachers. SDE conferences never disappoint so if you have the chance-GO! love all you girls!
Hope that the beginning of the school year treats you all well!!!