Sunday, July 13, 2014


Summer is flying by!!! Kara attended the National FBLA conference that Tennessee hosted at the Opryland Hotel June 28-July3. Kali and I went up and spent two nights there and got to see the opening ceremony. It was very impressive with 10,000 plus FBLA members from across the nation!!! Our hotel room had a balcony that opened up for a beautiful view of the Cascades waterfall. It was very relaxing to watch the falls and hear them.:)
Marty and Kirk are in Jamaica on a mission trip with our church. We have been able to Facebook just a little. They are spending a lot of time working at an orphanage and playing with the children. This was Marty's first time to go on a mission trip and I've lost count of how many Kirk has been on. Kara was sad she didn't go this year but June was a very busy month for her and she had several trips then.
I spent most of this week staying busy so I wouldn't dwell on the thoughts of not being at I TEACH K!!! It was the first summer since 2011 that I had not been. I enjoyed the pics though that everyone posted on Facebook so I felt like I was still a part of it.:)
Kali leaves for church camp tomorrow until Saturday. She is excited to get there!!! The boys won't be home until late Wednesday night so Kara and I will have a little time alone. I go back for more tests since week. The last tests still did not show why or where I am losing blood so this week I will have some more and hope to get some answers.
Just a few more weeks until school starts so we are enjoying every moment of summer break until then!!!!

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